Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Outer" Disabilities

We all have disabilities, whether it's visible or not. If we all have disabilities, why don't we stop all the judging? We are all equal. We might have different types of lifestyles, personalities, and races, but aside from all that, there is one word that defines that we're all equal: Human. We could look at someone across the street in a wheelchair and we automatically think, "That person can't do anything themselves." or "That person needs special treatment, so let me go and see what I can do to help." When we see a classmate who finishes their assignment later than everyone else we may think,"That person doesn't get the assignment." or "They're dumb." or "Wow. They need a tutor." It hurts to see how we sometimes think something and treat others different. I try my best to not judge, and it would be nice that everyone could do the same.

 If you have an "outer" disability (one that is physical and easy to see), just know that you are not alone. There are others with a disability, who are going through the same feelings as you. Don't be thinking you are alone, because truth is, you will never be alone. Don't get discouraged if you see someone achieve their goals and you haven't been able to get to that point yet. Your dreams can be achieved as well, and you can have the same opportunities, and even much more if you put your mind to it. You are the same as everyone else. You can be anything you want to be, and can do anything you want just as long as you put the same effort as others do. Don't let others get in the way of what can make you happy. Try to surround yourself with people who can support you and give you wise advice, and again, don't let people get in the way of your dreams, and don't get discouraged.Just think of your disability as a blessing. Without that "blessing" you wouldn't be where you are now. With your knowledge of your disability, show others it is possible and use your knowledge to guide others who are lost.

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